I am fascinated by the emotional, behavioral and spiritual transformation process that we go through during our life. I use oxidation as an analogical symbol of this in my work.
When I surrender the piece to the oxidation reaction, there is when I achieve the greatest definition of my artwork. Instead of wanting to control the outcome, I exercise my belief in the beauty of the natural evolution of life.
This is the moment that I free myself from the fear of the unpredictable and choose to live and expand my own truth.Through this creative process, seek to discover more about my inner self. 


Ana Gaion is a contemporary artist. Born in Porto Velho/RO, Amazon-Brazil, now she lives and works on the beautiful island of Maui, HI, US.
Her mixed media work explores the psychological, spiritual, emotional and philosophical aspects of the human experience.
Her multilayered artwork has oxidized iron as its main component.
Initially self taught, Gaion’s work was greatly impacted through the teachings of the renowned artist Dick Nelson, who became an important influence in the evolution of her artistic process.
Her art has been exhibited in many group juried shows. In 2016, she had a solo exhibition at Galeria Afonso Ligorio, Porto Velho/RO, in Brazil.
Throughout her career she received multiple awards in Brazil and in Hawaii for her paintings.
Gaion’s artworks can be found in private and public collections in Brazil, United States, Japan, Argentina and Spain.


1990 – Pontifical Catholic University – PUC – Curitiba/PR – Brazil

Physical Education

G R O U P  E X H I B I T I O N S

2021 – Hui No’eau Annual Juried Exhibition, Maui/HI – USA

2020 – Art Maui – Schaefer International Gallery – Juried Exhibition Maui/HI – USA

2019 – Art Maui – Schaefer International Gallery – Juried Exhibition Maui/HI – USA

2018 – Hui No’eau Annual Juried Exhibition, Maui/HI – USA

2017 – Hui No’eau Annual Juried Exhibition, Maui/HI – USA

2017 – Kaluani Centennial 10×10 – Hui No’eau Juried Exhibition, Maui/HI – USA

2015 – Hui No’eau Annual Juried Exhibition, Maui/HI – USA

2014 – Art Maui – Schaefer International Gallery – Juried Exhibition Maui/ HI – USA

2014 – “Relationships and Collaborations” – Group Exhibition – Viewpoint Gallery, Maui/HI – USA

S o l o    E x h i b i t i o n

2016 – “Entre Vidas” (Between Lives) – Galeria Afonso Ligario, Porto Velho/RO – Brazil


2021 – Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts at Hui No’eau Annual Juried Exhibition, Maui/HI – USA

2018 – SART- National Award at Annual Juried Exhibition – Casa da Cultura Ivan Marrocos- Porto Velho/R0 – Brazil

P u b l i c   C o l l e c t i o n s   a n d   C o m m i s s i o n s

2021 – Instituto Humaniter – Porto Velho/Ro – Brazil.

2020 – Dr. Tiago Barnabe – Clinica Dermatologica – Porto Velho/RO – Brazil

2019 – JGR Global Law Firm – Sao Paulo/SP – Brazil

2019 – JGR Global Law Firm- Sao Paulo/SP – Brazil

2018 – Casa da Cultura Ivan Marrocos – Porto Velho/RO – Brazil

2016 – Clinica Karla Dias Odontologia Preventiva Estetica Reabilitadora – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil

2015 – Financial & Investment Management Group – Maui/HI – USA

2015 – Clinica Dr. Hebert Lamblet – Plastic Surgery – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil

2013 – Dr. Jeffrey Parham – Chiropractic Office – Maui/ HI – USA